Pig Improving the environmental conditions in the fattening rooms

Improving the environmental conditions in the fattening rooms

Author Josep Casanovas, publish date Friday. December 16th, 2016

Improving the environmental conditions in the fattening rooms

Improve the piglets' comfort in the fattening rooms without compromising ventilation by placing an insulating material over the pens.


Improve the piglets' comfort in the fattening rooms without compromising ventilation by placing an insulating material over the pens. This idea is from Javier del Río.


On the farms with natural ventilation, the temperature control is carried out by means of ventilation. When it is hot, the windows are opened to increase ventilation, and when it is cold the windows are closed, ventilation is minimised and the temperature rises.

In Spain, the weather changes between the different seasons are quite marked. When the conditions are extreme (too hot or too cold), it is difficult to offer good environmental conditions on the farms, especially on the fattening ones.

If it is very cold, we do not get to keep a good temperature in the buildings by only closing the windows. The problem becomes aggravated if the housed animals are young.

An added problem is that if we close the windows too much to keep the temperature, the ventilation will be compromised. A poor ventilation could entail a lower growth and a higher incidence of different diseases, especially respiratory ones.

An alternative is to set up heating systems. The problem is that if the heat source relies on combustion, oxygen consumption and humidity rise, giving place to higher ventilation requirements.

Another option is to look for systems that can increase temperature without compromising ventilation.

By placing an isolating material ceiling over part of the pens we create a shelter for the pigs to rest in which the temperature can be 10ºC higher than the room temperature.

↑ An alternative is to make the shelter with materials like the ones used to protect vegatables.

← The shelter can be reserved for the smallest piglets or for the pens located beside the windows to avoid the direct impact of the cold air.

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