2 Lua

Diffused Aeration

We didn't invent Nano-Tube aeration hose, we perfected it!

Since a majority of all aquaculture problems, including disease, are caused by poor water quality and, in turn, most water quality problems can be resolved with proper aeration (oxygenation), it is clear that aeration plays a crucial role in this process.

Oxygen is the main limiting factor in both recirculating and traditional aquaculture systems. Less than the required levels lead to poor water quality, poor feed conversion ratios (FCR), reduced growth and increased mortality. With high energy prices, energy efficiency is becoming much more important when comparing aeration techniques and devices.

If the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the pond is too low, the shrimp will eat less and there will be more left over food. This will affect other parameters of water quality, and if the water quality drops the shrimp will get weak and more susceptible to bacterial infection. Such conditions lead to low survival rates. When the DO of the water is low, the shrimp's growth rate is slow and the feed conversion ratio (FCR) is very high. It takes longer to raise a batch of shrimp than when the DO is sufficient.

Farms that are successful in keeping the DO at no less than 4 ppm even in the morning are usually very successful, with good growth rates, a high survival rate and a low FCR. When the DO is maintained at at least 4 ppm, there is seldom a problem with white feces disease or bacterial infections. In contrast, on farms where the DO drops below 4 ppm at night, the shrimp will grow slowly during the culture period and white feces disease is very common.

Due to the number of pores created during our manufacturing process, there is little resistance created when pushing air through the tubing. Resistance equals energy demand. By working with Nano-Tube aeration hose, you can use significantly less horsepower when compared with traditional methods of aeration (paddlewheels, aspirators, less efficient tubing).

Nano-Tube aeration hose's tiny pore size creates extremely small diameter bubbles. The smaller a bubble of air the more efficiently it transfers oxygen into water (more surface area!). Small bubbles also take longer to rise once they are introduced into water. Slower rising, small-diameter bubbles mean more contact with the water and a much higher rate of oxygen transfer.

By creating significantly smaller bubbles, more efficiently, Nano-Tube aeration hose products are able to deliver high rates of oxygen transfer and energy efficiency.


- Year Established 2011 (13 Years)

- Business License 0311291175

- 967/8 Tran Xuan Soan Street, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City (70000), VIETNAM

- Mail: sales@2lua.com.vn





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