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3 results found in 0.0085 seconds.
Dietary curcumin may boost egg quality, hen health Dietary curcumin may boost egg quality, hen health

Adding levels of curcumin to the diets of laying hens may improve both hen immune functioning and the quality of eggs laid, say researchers.


Dietary curcumin may boost fish survival, performance in disease challenge Dietary curcumin may boost fish survival, performance in disease challenge

Farmed fish facing a bacterial challenge may see a survival and performance support from feed supplemented with curcumin, say researchers.'


Adding curcumin to quail diets may boost production, cold stress response Adding curcumin to quail diets may boost production, cold stress response

Supplementing the diets of farm-raised quail with curcumin may improve production, egg quality and fatty acid profile for birds facing cold stress, researchers


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