


Search by keywords: Avian Influenza

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Keeping the Avian Influenza virus out Keeping the Avian Influenza virus out

During the most recent Avian Influenza summit, a part of the International Egg Commissions leadership conference in Berlin, the egg industry’s world leaders


H5N2 avian influenza detected in duck in Montana H5N2 avian influenza detected in duck in Montana

Wild mallard duck is the first avian influenza detection in the United States in 2017. No illness or mortalities in domestic poultry in the U.S


Avian influenza troubles poultry sector in Asia, Africa Avian influenza troubles poultry sector in Asia, Africa

New outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in poultry have been confirmed in India, Japan and Nigeria, Cambodia


H5N8 avian influenza strikes layer farm in Greece H5N8 avian influenza strikes layer farm in Greece

A layer farm in Greece has been infected by H5N8 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). About 28,000 susceptible chickens are destroyed


Mobile system can inactivate avian influenza virus Mobile system can inactivate avian influenza virus

Mobile trailer designs would allow companies or government organizations to design and build their own trailer systems that could react to avian influenza


Will disinfectants inactivate avian influenza in chicken feed? Will disinfectants inactivate avian influenza in chicken feed?

Treating non-pelleted chicken feed with disinfectant products may reduce transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza, says expert.


Avian flu spreading across Europe, Asia and Africa Avian flu spreading across Europe, Asia and Africa

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses are being detected in the wild bird and domestic poultry in ever more countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.


Practical tips to keep poultry free of avian flu Practical tips to keep poultry free of avian flu

With avian influenza (AI) currently confirmed across four continents, every poultry farmer needs to be alert for signs of the disease in their flock


Avian flu persists in Europe’s top poultry raising nations Avian flu persists in Europe’s top poultry raising nations

In the last week, national veterinary agencies have confirmed new outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in commercial poultry in France


Avian influenza and the risk from backyard flocks Avian influenza and the risk from backyard flocks

Poultry owners, whatever their size, should be able to house birds well no matter the circumstances. Poultry owners big and small in the U.K


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