


Search by keywords: horse health

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Horse Health: Hydrating Your Horse after Running or Racing Horse Health: Hydrating Your Horse after Running or Racing

It is important to properly cool down your horse after a hard workout such as jumping or racing. Like all athletes, horses need to cool down to avoid getting...


Keeping Your Stalls Clean and Your Horses Healthy Keeping Your Stalls Clean and Your Horses Healthy

It’s finally fall and a perfect time to step up your cleaning regimen in the stable. We’ve targeted 3 key areas to minimize health risks for your horses, stable


Keep Your Horses Hydrated and Their Waterer Clean Keep Your Horses Hydrated and Their Waterer Clean

This summer was a hot one and your horses likely felt it. No doubt, you stayed on top of hydrating your horse’s supply of water and making sure they were well


New app validated for conducting electrocardiograms on horses New app validated for conducting electrocardiograms on horses

Telemedicine and mobile phone apps may be used as tools for monitoring horse health and conducting diagnostic testing.
