


Search by keywords: fish nutrition

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Reducing Catfish Feed Cost - Part 1 Reducing Catfish Feed Cost - Part 1

The Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES) and Delta Western Research Centre (DWRC) have collaborated on catfish nutrition research


F3 takes on a new challenge – fish oil alternatives F3 takes on a new challenge – fish oil alternatives

Building off the success and excitement of the fish-free aquaculture feed cash-prize contest that concludes this fall, the F3 Challenge has set its sights


Project backs sustainable African aquaculture Project backs sustainable African aquaculture

A new initiative that aims to promote inclusive and sustainable aquaculture in Africa as a means to achieve human development, food and nutrition security


Nofima to lead cleanerfish feed research Nofima to lead cleanerfish feed research

A new 4-year project to investigate optimization of feeds used for cleanerfish – such as wrasse and lumpsuckers – in salmon cages has kicked off in Norway.


Shift in farmed fish feed may impact nutritional benefits Shift in farmed fish feed may impact nutritional benefits

The aquaculture industry is increasing its use of plant-based ingredients in its feed and moving away from traditional feed made from fish


The importance of carotenoids in aquafeeds The importance of carotenoids in aquafeeds

The importance of carotenoids in aquafeeds. Powdered astaxanthin, a type of carotenoid. Pigments play prominent roles in finfish and shellfish nutrition


The importance of carotenoids in aquafeeds The importance of carotenoids in aquafeeds

Pigments play prominent roles in finfish and shellfish nutrition. The organic pigments known as carotenoids (also referred to as tetraterpenoids)


New Publication Addresses Biomarkers in Fish Nutrition New Publication Addresses Biomarkers in Fish Nutrition

EU - The EU-funded ARRAINA (Advanced Research Initiatives for Nutrition & Aquaculture) project has published a new resource for aquaculture feed producers
