


Search by keywords: feather pecking

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Management tips to stop feather pecking Management tips to stop feather pecking

Management risk factors and genetic influences have an effect on feather pecking, according to the University of Bristol’s Christine Nicol.


Reducing feather pecking in non-cage-laying flocks Reducing feather pecking in non-cage-laying flocks

Beak trimming, lighting control are common methods to reduce injurious pecking, but there are many other ways to reduce this behavior in non-cage flocks


Sydney study links feed factors to feather pecking Sydney study links feed factors to feather pecking

Several factors identified in incidence of feather pecking by free-range hens.


Enriching free range chickens and reducing feather pecking Enriching free range chickens and reducing feather pecking

Studies by Australia’s Poultry CRC have looked at whether encouraging birds into the range leads to less feather pecking
