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Protein in dairy diets: not as simple as it seems Protein in dairy diets: not as simple as it seems

The efficiency with which protein is captured in milk by the dairy cow is staggeringly low. Optimising the dairy cow's use of dietary protein would decrease


Cow Health: Milk fever in cows Cow Health: Milk fever in cows

Milk fever is a metabolic disorder caused by insufficient calcium. Magnesium plays an important role in milk fever prevention (calcium deficiency).


Cow Health: Johne's Disease in cow Cow Health: Johne's Disease in cow

Johne's Disease is a chronic, contagious and sometimes fatal infection caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). It is an immune reaction


Chromium use in transition cows Chromium use in transition cows

Trace minerals have critical roles in the immune function and cell metabolism in ruminants. For cows in transition or during early lactation


Stand out from the herd: How cows communicate through their lives Stand out from the herd: How cows communicate through their lives

Research at the University of Sydney has shown that cows maintain individual voices in a variety of emotional situations.


Australian cow imports drop dramatically Australian cow imports drop dramatically

Importing Australian cows to fatten and slaughter domestically was once a profitable business, but has changed dramatically in recent years.


Making dairy cow stall beds more comfortable Making dairy cow stall beds more comfortable

Study indicates cows with more bedding, especially those in long stalls, tend to be more comfortable.


How nutrition influences dairy cow health, immunity How nutrition influences dairy cow health, immunity

Balanced nutrition greatly affects immune function, performance in transition cows


Environmental benefits of Afrikaner cow productivity Environmental benefits of Afrikaner cow productivity

Cow productivity in beef cattle is measured as kilogram calf weaned per mature livestock unit (MLU) mated


Heat stress has lasting effects on dairy cows Heat stress has lasting effects on dairy cows

Two years after birth, cows from heat-stressed cattle produce less milk.


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