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VN seeks to perk up value of coffee products VN seeks to perk up value of coffee products

Việt Nam aims to increase the value of coffee products by processing more than 25 per cent of its coffee beans by 2020


Generating huge income and protect the environment with organic coffee production Generating huge income and protect the environment with organic coffee production

Organic coffee products are pricey but they are always in short supply, in addition, some overseas partners also want to import this type of coffee.


Coffee growers participating in the VnSAT project wish to cooperate with many large Coffee growers participating in the VnSAT project wish to cooperate with many large

The VnSAT project has helped coffee farmers stabilize production and improve the value chain. However, coffee products are not yet consumed on a large scale.


Vietnam seeks to increase value of coffee products Vietnam seeks to increase value of coffee products

Vietnam aims to increase value of coffee products by processing more than 25 percent of its coffee beans by 2020


VN seeks to perk up value of coffee products VN seeks to perk up value of coffee products

Việt Nam aims to increase the value of coffee products by processing more than 25 per cent of its coffee beans by 2020


Post-pandemic recovery brewing in Vietnam’s coffee sector Post-pandemic recovery brewing in Vietnam’s coffee sector

Vietnam will endeavor to maintain its position as the world’s second biggest coffee producer and exporter, add value to its coffee products and improve incomes


Vietnam supplies one quarter of Japan’s coffee import Vietnam supplies one quarter of Japan’s coffee import

Vietnam supplied 25 percent of Japan’s imported coffee products in the first 11 months of 2018, according to Nikkei Asian Review.


Coffee Cultivation Information Guide Coffee Cultivation Information Guide

Coffee is one of the flowering plants grown for its seeds called “coffee beans”. These coffee beans are the source of various coffee products and beverages


Vietnam’s processed coffee looks to create a buzz in global markets Vietnam’s processed coffee looks to create a buzz in global markets

Several businesses have set up strategies to help their processed coffee products win the trust of global consumers, given their belief that Vietnamese coffee


Vietnam’s processed coffee looks to create a buzz in global markets Vietnam’s processed coffee looks to create a buzz in global markets

Several businesses have set up strategies to help their processed coffee products win the trust of global consumers, given their belief that Vietnamese coffee


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