


Search by keywords: biofuels

3 results found in 0.0085 seconds.
Biofuels from Saltwater Crops Biofuels from Saltwater Crops

Researchers at the Masdar Institute in the United Arab Emirates are starting a two-square-kilometer demonstration farm that will combine fish and shrimp farming


Masdar trials desert fish farms and biofuels grown with seawater Masdar trials desert fish farms and biofuels grown with seawater

The world’s first research facility aimed at finding a way to grow food as well as biofuels using desert land irrigated with seawater has opened in Abu Dhabi.


Suppressing key gene may improve plant digestion Suppressing key gene may improve plant digestion

"Significant breakthrough" makes grasses more digestible, promising improved feed for ruminants and better biomass for biofuels.


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