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Activities to promote Dak Nong’s specialty avocados Activities to promote Dak Nong’s specialty avocados

Dak Nong will organise a programme on July 18-23 to promote avocados, a specialty fruit of the Central Highlands province.


Vietnamese farmers keen on growing avocado amid low coffee prices Vietnamese farmers keen on growing avocado amid low coffee prices

Persistently low domestic coffee prices in Vietnam have prompted some local growers to switch to other crops, including avocado and durian, traders said


Dak Lak wants to attract investors to agriculture, particularly food processing projects Dak Lak wants to attract investors to agriculture, particularly food processing projects

It also has over 28,000 ha of fruits like avocado, durian and citrus trees with a yearly production of over 220,000 tonnes.


Central Highlands localities earn higher income from fruits Central Highlands localities earn higher income from fruits

The Central Highlands have encouraged the growing of high-demand fruits such as durian, avocado, jackfruit, longan and litchi to help farmers raise income


The warmwater shrimp revolution The warmwater shrimp revolution

The exotic shrimp cocktail -- bland, wet and pallid and on special occasions served in half an avocado -- was as close as my family got to eating shrimp of any


Fruit farmers in central highland worry because of unstable consumption level Fruit farmers in central highland worry because of unstable consumption level

In five recent years, farmers in the central highland of Dak Lak and Dak Nong switched to grow durian and avocado; however, consumption level of the two fruits


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