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Production in the value chain – Development trend of agricultural enterprises Production in the value chain – Development trend of agricultural enterprises

The development objective of the Vietnamese agricultural sector is to build and develop modern, sustainable, competitive agriculture in integration.


Profits in agricultural enteprises while some enterprises are happy, the other cries Profits in agricultural enteprises while some enterprises are happy, the other cries

Business results in the second quarter in 2017 of agricultural enterprises witnesses a strong divide between the livestock and other areas due to the effect


Large investors in agriculture Large investors in agriculture

Agricultural enterprises are increasingly growing and taking more interest in investing in agriculture and rural areas, which are becoming the core of the


Vietnam makes initial results in organic agricultural development Vietnam makes initial results in organic agricultural development

Organic agriculture, however, is not easy as agricultural enterprises are facing a range of challenges related to land, credit, support policies, and inputs.


Minister slams slow pace of agriculture investment Minister slams slow pace of agriculture investment

Nguyễn Xuân Cường said yesterday efforts to attract investment in agriculture were not yielding sufficient fruit


Nearly one-tenth of all agricultural firms set up in past six months Nearly one-tenth of all agricultural firms set up in past six months

As many as 885 agricultural enterprises were established in the first six months of 2018, raising total firms in this sector to 8,667


2,200 new agricultural firms formed in 2018 2,200 new agricultural firms formed in 2018

As many as 2,200 new agricultural enterprises were set up in 2018, up 12.3 percent compared to 2017 and pushing the total number of firms in the sector to 9,235


Agricultural enterprises actively participate in National Single Window Agricultural enterprises actively participate in National Single Window

Officially joined from June 2015, so far MARD has had 9 administrative procedures applied to NSW, which brings lots of advantages for enterprises


Vietnam mulls solutions to encourage organic agriculture Vietnam mulls solutions to encourage organic agriculture

The legal framework on supporting agricultural enterprises to shift to organic production has been set up, but this is not enough to kickstart the industry.


Programme connects tech startups, agri firms Programme connects tech startups, agri firms

A Business Matching Programme that connects agricultural enterprises which need technologies with tech startups was introduced in HCM City on October 24


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