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US increases Vietnamese fruit imports US increases Vietnamese fruit imports

The end of the second quarter of the year saw the country’s fruit and vegetable exports to the US enjoy a surge of 9.8% to US$77 million.


Vietnamese mangoes enter Chilean market Vietnamese mangoes enter Chilean market

Mangoes have become the next Vietnamese fruit to be exported to Chile, following dragon fruit.


Vietnamese fruit exporters warned about 13 UAE companies Vietnamese fruit exporters warned about 13 UAE companies

Việt Nam’s fruit and vegetable exports to the UAE grew from US$14.2 million in 2014 to $16.2 million in 2015 and $22.8 million in 2016.


Vietnamese longan to go to Australia Vietnamese longan to go to Australia

Longan has become the fourth kind of Vietnamese fruit to be exported to Australia after litchi, mango and dragon fruit. However


Many Vietnamese fruits entered international markets Many Vietnamese fruits entered international markets

Vietnam’s fruit and vegetable exports have risen steadily since the beginning of the year, in which, many kinds of fruits have entered international markets


Vietnamese dragonfruit needs to find new export markets: Experts Vietnamese dragonfruit needs to find new export markets: Experts

In the first 11 months of this year dragonfruit exports fell by 10 per cent because of the COVID-19 pandemic but still dominated Vietnamese fruit exports


Vietnamese efforts in Japan bear fruit Vietnamese efforts in Japan bear fruit

After years of efforts and negotiations, Vietnam was recently licensed to export to Japan three kinds of fruit: mango, banana, and dragon fruit.


The Netherlands, Vietnamese fruit, vegetables gateway to EU The Netherlands, Vietnamese fruit, vegetables gateway to EU

The EU has a stable demand for fruit and vegetables, and the Netherlands is considered a gateway to this market. Vietnamese fruit and vegetable exporters


Vietnamese vegetables and fruits are massively exported to Thailand Vietnamese vegetables and fruits are massively exported to Thailand

Thailand is the biggest fruit and vegetable exporter in South-East Asia. However, this year, Vietnamese fruits and vegetables exported to Thailand


Vietnamese fruits and vegetables have enormous potential for export to the United States. Vietnamese fruits and vegetables have enormous potential for export to the United States.

Exports of Vietnamese fruits and vegetables to the United States have increased significantly in recent years, and Vietnamese products are seizing further


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