


Search by keywords: seaweed farming

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Seaweed supplementation shows delayed mortality in farmed seabass Seaweed supplementation shows delayed mortality in farmed seabass

A recent study suggests that supplementing farmed European seabass diets with Gracilaria sp. aqueous extract (GRA) can protect the fish from disease challenges


High hopes for low trophic species: seaweed aquaculture in the USA High hopes for low trophic species: seaweed aquaculture in the USA

The US seaweed aquaculture sector is beginning to take off, in the process growing brand new businesses, providing important ecosystem services and allowing


Seaweed farming could help battle climate change Seaweed farming could help battle climate change

Researchers say harvesting algae could be a powerful tool for sequestering carbon.


Scotland issues first policy guidelines for seaweed farming Scotland issues first policy guidelines for seaweed farming

The first set of policy guidelines for the commercial cultivation of seaweed in Scotland have been published by the Scottish Government.


Seaweed farming – a promising industry and solution to pollution Seaweed farming – a promising industry and solution to pollution

Seaweed farming is growing as a lucrative business in coastal provinces, providing big income for farmers and helping improve local marine environment.
