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Pepper price still low in next few years Pepper price still low in next few years

At present, though pepper price is standing at VND60,000 per kilogram, it is still lower than that in 2015 when pepper was sold at VND200,000 a kilogram.


Pepper prices hit record low, hard to recover Pepper prices hit record low, hard to recover

There is no surprise when pepper prices go down because pepper prices maintained high in a long time and there is oversupply.


Unstable prices, pepper turns to clean production Unstable prices, pepper turns to clean production

In the context of declining price and no sign of recovery, pepper industry is striving to shift its focus on clean and sustainable production


Vietnam’s pepper industry bears ‘price shock’ Vietnam’s pepper industry bears ‘price shock’

Vietnam’s pepper industry is sustaining a blow in the face of a surplus in the world market.


Pepper sector urged to renew growth model Pepper sector urged to renew growth model

Experts have said Viet Nam's pepper industry had better change its growth model and enhance quality to take advantage of free trade agreements (FTAs).


Vietnamese pepper farmers struggle to survive Vietnamese pepper farmers struggle to survive

Price reductions, stiff competition and technical barriers are pushing the Vietnamese pepper industry against the wall.


Pepper exports: Decreases in almost all markets, opportunities in the EU Pepper exports: Decreases in almost all markets, opportunities in the EU

In order to take advantage of opportunities to promote exports to the EU as well as other markets, the pepper industry needs to change drastically and overcome


Vietnam’s pepper industry faces Vietnam’s pepper industry faces"double difficulties"

With billions of dollars of pepper stuck abroad, the export market facingdifficulties, the gloomy price representsa "negative" picture of the pepper industry


Exports of processed pepper increasing while whole-grain reducing Exports of processed pepper increasing while whole-grain reducing

To increase the export value, Vietnam's pepper industry is gradually shifting from exporting the whole-grain to value-added products such as ground and crushed


Pepper industry makes five recommendations to overcome difficulties amidst pandemic Pepper industry makes five recommendations to overcome difficulties amidst pandemic

The ideas stem from the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic, which is expected to have a significant effect on pepper companies' export operations.


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