


Search by keywords: oyster farming

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Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu expands raising Pacific oysters Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu expands raising Pacific oysters

More farmers in the southern province of Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu are earning more income by raising Pacific oysters in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.


Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu farmers expand breeding of Pacific oysters Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu farmers expand breeding of Pacific oysters

Pacific oyster breeding has several advantages, including a high survival rate and short breeding perio


To protect sensitive habitat, oyster farms turn to high-tech tools To protect sensitive habitat, oyster farms turn to high-tech tools

A three-year study using drone cameras is now underway to track interactions between oyster farming and eelgrass beds.


Farmers use environmentally friendly substrates to farm Pacific oysters Farmers use environmentally friendly substrates to farm Pacific oysters

More farmers in the southern province of Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu are using oyster shells as hard substrates to raise Pacific oysters to ensure quality and environment


Trial to test probiotics in oyster farming Trial to test probiotics in oyster farming

Researchers developing dried probiotic supplement that can be fed to oyster larvae to improve health and vitality.


Hà Tĩnh Oyster farming at the base of Cầu Vọng mountain Hà Tĩnh Oyster farming at the base of Cầu Vọng mountain

Farmers of Kỳ Hà commune of Kỳ Anh town have been taking advantages of water surface to develop their aquaculture with oyster farms at the base of Cầu Vọng


Pacific oyster culture in Cam Lâm looks perfectly efficient Pacific oyster culture in Cam Lâm looks perfectly efficient

Pacific oyster farming in Cam Lâm district along Thủy Triều pond looks perfectly efficient, helping farmers have stable income.
