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Quality key to pepper growth, not quantity Quality key to pepper growth, not quantity

For two decades, farmer Tô Nguyễn Hồ Hải in Central Highlands Gia Lai Province grew peppers, enjoying a boon in production.


Pepper prices become unstable due to faulty information Pepper prices become unstable due to faulty information

Pepper prices unexpectedly fluctuated on confusing information, placing difficulties for export.


Vietnamese pepper farmers hit by huge losses Vietnamese pepper farmers hit by huge losses

Pepper prices have been rapidly falling due to the global oversupply, causing Vietnamese growers to face massive losses.


Facing double difficulties, pepper market is gloomy Facing double difficulties, pepper market is gloomy

The international pepper market is predicted to face difficulties due to the double impact from oversupply pressure and the Covid-19 pandemic.


Pepper exports face hurdles in global market Pepper exports face hurdles in global market

Vietnam’s pepper exports are poised to continue to encounter a number of difficulties as a result of low prices due to high levels of supply


Agricultural ministry examines pepper farming development orientation Agricultural ministry examines pepper farming development orientation

The Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development is working with localities to examine the development of pepper farming with a view to designing


Pepper sector urged to renew growth model Pepper sector urged to renew growth model

Experts have said Viet Nam's pepper industry had better change its growth model and enhance quality to take advantage of free trade agreements (FTAs).


International pepper conference discusses solutions on sustainable development International pepper conference discusses solutions on sustainable development

The conference is an opportunity for representatives to discuss solutions for sustainable pepper cultivation practices in order to meet global market


Pepper exports: turnover increased, value decreased Pepper exports: turnover increased, value decreased

Vietnam exported 147,282 tons of pepper of all kinds, valued at US$ 809.2 million, up 21% in turnover but down 18% in value compared to the same period of 2016.


Pepper exports: Decreases in almost all markets, opportunities in the EU Pepper exports: Decreases in almost all markets, opportunities in the EU

In order to take advantage of opportunities to promote exports to the EU as well as other markets, the pepper industry needs to change drastically and overcome


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