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Growing Lettuce in Greenhouses and Frames Growing Lettuce in Greenhouses and Frames

The lettuce Lactuca sativa is increasing in importance as a greenhouse crop since the breeding of short-day varieties has made year-round production possible


Growing lettuce for the home garden – part 2 Growing lettuce for the home garden – part 2

This issue we look at the different kinds of lettuce available and which are best for your home garden.


How to deal with big-vein virus and tipburn in lettuce How to deal with big-vein virus and tipburn in lettuce

Lettuce big-vein disease is transmitted by the soil-borne fungus (Olpidium brassicae).


How to grow hydroponic lettuce - Instructions and plant care tips How to grow hydroponic lettuce - Instructions and plant care tips

There’s a reason why lettuce is one of the most popular hydroponic crops for both beginners and experts alike.


Growing lettuce for the home garden – part 1 Growing lettuce for the home garden – part 1

Leafy greens like lettuce is an important part of most people’s diets, especially as we approach the warmer months and salads return to our menus.


Land-based drip-irrigated culture of sea lettuce Land-based drip-irrigated culture of sea lettuce

The use of recirculating drip irrigation culture methods for growing macroalgae like sea lettuce in controlled environments on land is a new and mostly untried


Pests and Diseases of Lettuces Pests and Diseases of Lettuces

Typical symptoms: Leaves are infested with pink or green aphids; the leaves may be sticky.


Fungal diseases of lettuce Fungal diseases of lettuce

This disease is easy to identify. When the plant is removed from the soil, a white cottony fungus will be seen on its underside. When the disease is advanced


Preparing to plant lettuce Preparing to plant lettuce

This helps to avoid imbalances and over-fertilising, which is wasteful and may result in lower yield and other problems.


Growing Lettuce in the Vegetable Plot Growing Lettuce in the Vegetable Plot

Legumes are members of the Leguminosae family. Among vegetables they are represented by various peas and beans


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