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Export potential for Hai Duong carrots are expanding Export potential for Hai Duong carrots are expanding

Although the early carrot harvest in Hai Duong was harmed by rain this winter, the whole crop will assure output. Consumption and export are projected


100,000 tons of farm produce stuck in Hai Duong Covid-19 hotspot 100,000 tons of farm produce stuck in Hai Duong Covid-19 hotspot

On the morning of February 16, Nguyen Van Phuong in Duc Chinh commune of Cam Giang district was at home waiting for merchants to come to collect carrots.


Growing baby carrots Growing baby carrots

Almost everything that applies to growing ‘normal’ carrots falls away when you plant for the baby carrot market.


Other carrot problems Other carrot problems

Carrots are not attacked by many pests, apart from eelworm. Nonetheless, there are a few pests that can prove a problem.


Eelworms love carrots Eelworms love carrots

By far the biggest carrot pest is the root knot eelworm (Melodogyne spp). In many other vegetable crops, these nematodes are not much of a problem


Deeper roots, better carrots Deeper roots, better carrots

Given the right conditions, a carrot’s extensive fine feeder roots can reach 3m into the soil. It’s important to know this, as it will change the way you treat


Carrots – who said they must be orange? Carrots – who said they must be orange?

The carrot – Daucus carota subspecies sativus – has been used by humankind for thousands of years. The vegetable’s wild ancestors look a lot different though.


Pests and Diseases of Carrots, Parsley and Parsnips Pests and Diseases of Carrots, Parsley and Parsnips

Typical symptoms: Seedlings may fail to grow. On older plants, leaves may show red or yellow colouring and growth may be stunted.


Carrots: get your numbers right! Carrots: get your numbers right!

Hot weather is unfavourable for carrot germination. Depending on the soil’s condition and structure, it also promotes the growth of soil fungus diseases


Preparing to plant carrots: seeds and soil Preparing to plant carrots: seeds and soil

Carrots have a very deep root system and a mass of fine feeder roots.


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