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8 considerations for cage-free laying hen nutrition 8 considerations for cage-free laying hen nutrition

Egg producers must account for more than just housing when changing production practices


5 questions about cage-free hen health, welfare 5 questions about cage-free hen health, welfare

Cage-free egg farming experts answer questions about mortality, stocking density, perching and food safety.


Top cage-free layer hen management tips Top cage-free layer hen management tips

Five egg industry professionals offered their insight on managing pullets, layers and their surroundings for maximum productivity.


10 ideas that will change poultry nutrition and health 10 ideas that will change poultry nutrition and health

In the view of one prominent poultry scientist, nutrition is on the edge of breakthroughs. 10 ideas that will change poultry nutrition and health


Reducing feed phosphate cost for laying hens Reducing feed phosphate cost for laying hens

Enzyme benefits offer the potential to formulate with degraded specifications without impacting performance. Reducing feed phosphate cost for laying hens


Advances in feeding programs for laying hens Advances in feeding programs for laying hens

Progressive advances in nutrition and computer technology have developed feeding programs over the last 60 years


Great layer performance starts in the pullet house Great layer performance starts in the pullet house

The management provided to a flock before the start of lay can mean the difference of 10 or more eggs per hen through 80 weeks.


Dietary curcumin may boost egg quality, hen health Dietary curcumin may boost egg quality, hen health

Adding levels of curcumin to the diets of laying hens may improve both hen immune functioning and the quality of eggs laid, say researchers.


Alternatives to soybean meal for laying hens Alternatives to soybean meal for laying hens

There is plethora of alternative ingredients that could be used in layer diets, but lack of knowledge often causes an opportunity to be lost.


Using pulses as alternative ingredients in poultry feed Using pulses as alternative ingredients in poultry feed

Beyond soy, there is potential for leguminous plants to supply protein in diets for laying hens.


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