


Search by keywords: guideline

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Guidelines aim to improve reporting on livestock trials Guidelines aim to improve reporting on livestock trials

The reporting guidelines can be found at the Meridian website, housed by the Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine, which is a clearinghouse for reporting


Scotland issues first policy guidelines for seaweed farming Scotland issues first policy guidelines for seaweed farming

The first set of policy guidelines for the commercial cultivation of seaweed in Scotland have been published by the Scottish Government.


USDA chief scientist expresses concerns on WHO animal antibiotic guidelines USDA chief scientist expresses concerns on WHO animal antibiotic guidelines

WHO guidelines are not in alignment with U.S. policy and are not supported by sound science, chief scientist said.


Chicken animal care guidelines certified by audit organization Chicken animal care guidelines certified by audit organization

Guidelines certified by independent audit certification organization for first time in history.


Practical grinding guidelines for pig feeds Practical grinding guidelines for pig feeds

There is much discussion among farmers and consultants about reducing costs while preserving performance or improving it


Planting Tomato Plants General Guidelines Planting Tomato Plants General Guidelines

The first task of the young tomato plant is to establish itself successfully, and to achieve this the roots must develop out from the root ball into the growing


5 guidelines for alternative animal feed ingredients 5 guidelines for alternative animal feed ingredients

Whether it is rye or copra meal, using a non-conventional ingredient requires attention to certain issues common to all alternative options.


4 feed guidelines for breeding boars 4 feed guidelines for breeding boars

Breeding boars account for 50 percent of the genes in market pigs, but they don’t receive a lot of attention when it comes to research


Growing in hot and dry conditions – Part 1 Growing in hot and dry conditions – Part 1

Here are some guidelines for growing vegetables under drought conditions.


Nutrition guidelines for feeding breeding boars Nutrition guidelines for feeding breeding boars

Breeding males receive the least attention when it comes to research and information transfer, but they deserve more as they account for 50 percent


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