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Cow Health: Diarrhoea in Calves (Scours) Cow Health: Diarrhoea in Calves (Scours)

Calf scours is a broad, descriptive term referring to diarrhoea in calves. Calf scours is not a specific disease but the clinical sign of a disease complex with


How to optimise dairy replacement? How to optimise dairy replacement?

It starts with the calves; it always has. But we seem to be lacking in raising those calves to become excellent replacement heifers


Livability calves of dairy heifers Livability calves of dairy heifers

There has been a strong downward trend in terms of livability of calves from dairy heifers in the Netherlands


Increased gain in calves provides higher milk yield Increased gain in calves provides higher milk yield

The important thing is to decide what is best for the calves when it comes to milk feeding.


Is tree bark the remedy for diarrhea in calves? Is tree bark the remedy for diarrhea in calves?

A botanical extract may improve calf hydration and limit diarrhea, says researcher.


Proper feeding of calves … it begins with the cow Proper feeding of calves … it begins with the cow

Cow nutrition, especially in the dry period, in the last three months, seems to be of high importance for the ability of the calf to deal with pathogens


Calves aren’t being given enough milk Calves aren’t being given enough milk

But research shows the stomach of a calf has a volume of over five litres – more than twice what dairy farmers and agronomists thought possible.


Manipulation of metabolic development of calves is possible: Trouw Nutrition Manipulation of metabolic development of calves is possible: Trouw Nutrition

Trouw Nutrition says new data from a recent longitudinal study continues to support the idea that a higher plane of nutrition pre-weaning can help ‘program’


What factor does waste milk play for antibiotic resistance in calves? What factor does waste milk play for antibiotic resistance in calves?

Feeding of waste milk may be one factor increasing the amount of bacteria resistant to antibiotics in dairy calf guts, say researchers.


Genome-edited bull passes hornless trait to calves Genome-edited bull passes hornless trait to calves

Study sheds light on need to screen donor plasmids, while new methods no longer use donor template plasmids to insert desired gene into genome


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