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Cabbage basics: nitrogen & soil balance Cabbage basics: nitrogen & soil balance

Many VEGETABLE FARMERS ask what fertiliser to use when planting cabbages. The question assumes each crop has a specific requirement, regardless of what’s alread


Keeping cabbages clear of pests and diseases Keeping cabbages clear of pests and diseases

Cabbages are popular with South African consumers and can provide growers with sustainable short-term income. However, sound management is needed for keeping


Safeguarding soil fertility to cabbage maturity Safeguarding soil fertility to cabbage maturity

Nitrogen is mobile and VITAL for a good cabbage crop. Get it right to produce consistent, high yields. Most crop failures are a direct result of nitrogen loss


Get to understand Sclerotinia Get to understand Sclerotinia

In my initial 12 years of cabbage farming I never came across Sclerotinia. I had encountered it in beans before, but never cabbage.


Mineral deficiencies in cabbages Mineral deficiencies in cabbages

It is very important to recognise and correct mineral deficiencies as soon as the first signs appear. Any delay is likely to have a profound influence on yield.


Physiological disorders in cabbage Physiological disorders in cabbage

A pathological condition in plants is caused by disease, whereas a physiological condition is caused by non-living (abiotic) factors such as physical injury


Combating clubroot in cabbage Combating clubroot in cabbage

Clubroot is an extremely serious disease; if it gets into your lands, it can destroy the entire crop.


Preventing blackleg in cabbage Preventing blackleg in cabbage

Blackleg is a fungal disease that can be highly destructive. Fortunately, although there are no resistant varieties, it can be managed or prevented if you know


Blackleg fungus in cabbages Blackleg fungus in cabbages

Blackleg is a fungal disease that affects cruciferous crops and can do a lot of damage. Look out for it and take precautions so you won’t get caught out.


How to manipulate cabbage seedlings How to manipulate cabbage seedlings

Last week I discussed how to choose seedlings. Now I want to outline ways to manipulate seedlings for prevailing conditions.


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